ymaps.ready(function () { var myMap = new ymaps.Map('map22', { center: [59.910238 ,30.356619], zoom: 14, behaviors: ['default', 'scrollZoom'] }); myMap.controls .add('zoomControl', { left: 5, top: 5 }) .add('typeSelector' , { left: 35, top: 35 }) .add('mapTools', { left: 35, top: 5 }); clusterer_nov = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedVioletClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_nov = []; clusterer_metr = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedLightblueClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_metr = []; clusterer_polik_det = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedRedClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_polik_det = []; clusterer_polik = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedRedClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_polik = []; clusterer_det_sad = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedDarkgreenClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_det_sad = []; clusterer_shkol = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedVioletClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_shkol = []; clusterer_apteki = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#greenClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_apteki = []; clusterer_magaz = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedBrownClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_magaz = []; clusterer_parkov = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedBlueClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_parkov = []; clusterer_sport = new ymaps.Clusterer({ preset: 'twirl#invertedGreenClusterIcons' }), geoObjects_sport = []; geoObjects_metr[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.867202, 30.261409] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автово' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.012707, 30.396028] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Академическая' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907138, 30.299500] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Балтийская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.942548, 30.278210] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Василеостровская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927518, 30.348022] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Владимирская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.895960, 30.357919] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Волковская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.970957, 30.347301] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Выборгская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.956068, 30.318883] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Горьковская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933949, 30.333638] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гостиный Двор' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.034824, 30.418192] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гражданский пр.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.050215, 30.442909] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Девяткино' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928174, 30.346183] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Достоевская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.896676, 30.423667] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Елизаровская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.833138, 30.349417] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Звездная' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922271, 30.335652] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Звенигородская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.879649, 30.261981] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Кировский завод' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.008460, 30.259013] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Комендантский пр.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.971740, 30.259429] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Крестовский остров' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.829347, 30.375466] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Купчино' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932389, 30.439287] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ладожская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.851785, 30.268449] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ленинский пр.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.984687, 30.344301] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лесная' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920777, 30.355139] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лиговский пр.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.877221, 30.441748] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ломоносовская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931438, 30.355157] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Маяковская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.848927, 30.321376] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Московская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.891505, 30.317906] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Московские ворота' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.901186, 30.274983] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нарвская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935432, 30.326988] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невский пр.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928925, 30.411861] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Новочеркасская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914594, 30.349572] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Обводный канал' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.848664, 30.457747] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Обухово' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.036995, 30.321627] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.866280, 30.321908] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Парк Победы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.066904, 30.333975] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Парнас' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.966426, 30.311481] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петроградская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.002438, 30.296638] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пионерская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924264, 30.385192] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пл. Ал. Невского' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931528, 30.360495] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пл. Восстания' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.955665, 30.356029] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пл. Ленина' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.999960, 30.366298] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пл. Мужества' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.008874, 30.370833] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Политехническая' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919786, 30.466860] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пр. Большевиков' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.842142, 30.250481] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пр. Ветеранов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.051376, 30.332369] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пр. Просвещения' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.948467, 30.234569] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Приморская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.865111, 30.470294] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пролетарская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920625, 30.329800] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пушкинская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.830840, 30.500372] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Рыбацкое' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926472, 30.318221] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Садовая' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926983, 30.320394] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Сенная пл.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926543, 30.319818] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спасская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.951804, 30.290709] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спортивная' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[53] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.989249, 30.255114] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Старая Деревня' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[54] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916469, 30.318724] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Технологический институт' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[55] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [60.016593, 30.315802] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удельная' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[56] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907302, 30.483349] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ул. Дыбенко' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[57] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.906254, 30.317423] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фрунзенская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[58] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.985345, 30.300923] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Черная речка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[59] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.944447, 30.359954] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Чернышевская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[60] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.961170, 30.291954] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Чкаловская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[61] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.879098, 30.318771] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Электросила' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[62] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935899, 30.315166] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Адмиралтейская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[63] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.883780, 30.368911] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Бухарестская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[64] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.870257, 30.379268] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Международная' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[65] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.988001, 30.202600] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Беговая' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[66] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.858383, 30.393153] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'пр. Славы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[67] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.839863, 30.410865] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Дунайская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_metr[68] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.820038, 30.432865] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Шушары' }}, { preset: 'twirl#metroMoscowIcon' }) geoObjects_nov[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.034746, 30.456920] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Охта

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.868804, 30.162386] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Южная Акватория

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.986194, 30.370839] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Калина Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.830175, 30.373210] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Квартет

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.857281, 30.407024] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК София

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.909047, 30.454795] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аврора 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.832244, 30.333163] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вива

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.917631, 30.455267] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Восток

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.916038, 30.458508] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аврора

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.836737, 30.355773] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Антей

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.829694, 30.338948] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пулковский Посад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.038651, 30.254213] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шуваловский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.932699, 30.255612] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Престиж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.868321, 30.466202] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Молодежный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.842053, 30.503083] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Речной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.968976, 30.427611] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Тухачевского

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.949873, 30.262243] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Самоцветы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.029963, 30.242308] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юбилейный квартал 75А

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.03085, 30.244427] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юбилейный квартал 78А

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.011692, 30.388675] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Орбита

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.924072, 30.369242] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Царская столица

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.903899, 30.322469] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Галант

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.863065, 30.512397] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ласточкино гнездо

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.820050, 30.326580] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Летний

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.888400, 30.318546] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Московские ворота

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.958083, 30.408584] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на излучине Невы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.119195, 30.419733] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мистола Хиллс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.058893, 30.466420] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Муринский Посад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.04053, 30.44498] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Мурино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.897526, 30.268845] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Золотое время

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.948130, 30.560022] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Янино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.071145, 30.409125] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новые горизонты

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.987461, 30.370925] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кантемировский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.904728, 30.512823] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Весна

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.045464, 30.323841] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Луначарского 40

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.091888, 29.954855] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дюна

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.707465, 30.387624] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Золотой век

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.821416, 30.326738] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пулковский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.8190178, 30.326425] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пулковский 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.821953, 30.325393] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пулковский 3

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.067379, 30.398614] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северные Высоты

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.001797, 30.340846] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Парковый

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.005062, 30.214243] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юнтоловский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.860656, 30.192445] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Острова

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.168580, 29.882008] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кантеле

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.866728, 30.173497] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Прибалтийский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.864384, 30.165367] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленинский Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.960150, 30.324194] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Собрание RBI

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.986317, 30.299505] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новелла

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940691, 30.391088] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Александрия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.956732, 30.405999] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Четыре горизонта

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.052238, 30.435177] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Десяткино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.811787, 30.567773] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ижора Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[53] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940751, 30.475527] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Отличник

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[54] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.997548, 30.656974] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Всеволожский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[55] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.067809, 30.312015] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Три Апельсина

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[56] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.070951, 30.310640] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК На Заречной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[57] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.978273, 30.376312] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Город мастеров

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[58] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.906401, 30.323883] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тайм

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[59] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.996344, 30.216447] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом с курантами

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[60] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.984777, 30.371114] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Утренняя звезда

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[61] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.178184, 30.140633] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Золотые купола

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[62] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.952380, 30.394172] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Смольный парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[63] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.942492, 30.36728] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Парадный квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[64] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.942492, 30.363902] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Радищева 39

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[65] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.955387, 30.329830] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Дворянской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[66] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.975400, 30.315324] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Европа Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[67] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.030754, 30.145065] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юнтолово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[68] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.905376, 30.290605] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Панорама 360

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[69] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.015171, 30.318809] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ярославский пр. 27

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[70] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.014846, 30.319481] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ярославский пр. 23

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[71] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.996316, 30.201562] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лыжный переулок, 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[72] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.030877, 30.223853] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нижне-Каменская

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[73] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.981486, 30.375073] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Медалист

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[74] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.048562, 30.435547] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Девятый вал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[75] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.056130, 30.438660] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Три кита

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[76] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.756172, 30.370331] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Царский двор

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[77] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.810830, 30.378333] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Босфор

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[78] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.977749, 30.436880] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Екатерининский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[79] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.954804, 30.407605] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Платинум

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[80] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.977668, 30.315186] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Авеню Апарт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[81] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.058296, 30.469991] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Девяткино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[82] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.051632, 30.432045] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Солнечный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[83] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.949051, 30.251509] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Айно

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[84] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.907354, 30.306569] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тапиола

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[85] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.580346, 30.142710] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ай кью Гатчина

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[86] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.988470, 30.648093] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лучший выбор

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[87] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.947579, 30.576053] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Янила Кантри

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[88] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.960192, 30.481736] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нью-Тон

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[89] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.757139, 30.625505] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юттери

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[90] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.070013, 30.327241] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Моя стихия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[91] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.063331, 30.457162] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тридевяткино Царство

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[92] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.696190, 30.423279] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Самое сердце

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[93] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.744509, 30.063845] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аннинский парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[94] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.060787, 30.470306] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Подкова

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[95] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053846, 30.478621] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Озерный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[96] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.971335, 30.281416] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Бриллиант Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[97] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.967215, 30.276768] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Привилегия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[98] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.973331, 30.268458] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Диадема Клаб Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[99] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.861501 , 30.455206] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Грин Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[100] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.055149, 30.432993] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ласточка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[101] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.697681, 30.782843] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Прибрежный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[102] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.936938, 30.356224] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ковенский 5

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[103] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.057813, 30.437186] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Десяткино 2.0

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[104] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.930894, 30.352233] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Стремянная, 15

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[105] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935108, 30.307725] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Монферран

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[106] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.975089, 30.303498] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Каменноостровский, 64

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[107] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.934655, 30.277362] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гранвиль

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[108] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.970806, 30.264247] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Крестовский, 12

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[109] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.969534, 30.271525] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Крестовский, 10

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[110] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.971743, 30.261033] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Морской пр., 33

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[111] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.982834, 30.237860] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лайф-Приморский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[112] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.963277, 30.267885] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Леонтьевский Мыс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[113] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962477, 30.287201] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Люмьер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[114] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.930365, 30.409502] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый Город

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[115] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962667, 30.403982] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пять звезд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[116] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.699658, 30.402900] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Инкери

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[117] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.903562, 30.315832] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новомосковский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[118] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.949952, 30.248338] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК КИМа 1

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[119] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935561, 30.413614] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тойве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[120] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.96235, 30.3299] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Чапаева, 16

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[121] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.058447, 30.277245] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новоорловский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[122] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.943381, 30.396333] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Смольный проспект

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[123] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.942366, 30.698199] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кюмлено

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[124] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.013024, 30.318428] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Костромской 10

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[125] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.069527, 30.326475] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Бумеранг

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[126] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.853007, 30.147542] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК МОРЕ

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[127] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.923841, 30.439705] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Рио

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[128] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.864604, 30.414485] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Славбург

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[129] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.811328, 30.579751] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у озера

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[130] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.898860, 30.509072] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вена

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[131] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.054164, 30.421503] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ГРИНЛАНДИЯ

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[132] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.863400, 30.462341] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Невская звезда

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[133] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.063133, 30.424067] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Алфавит

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[134] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.925280, 30.633569] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Чудеса света

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[135] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.036025, 30.228967] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ультра Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[136] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.986680, 30.256838] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Елагина острова

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[137] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.051898, 30.428016] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юпитер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[138] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.865692, 30.507256] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Приневский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[139] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935969, 30.204746] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Капитан Немо

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[140] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.971829, 30.263759] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Верона

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[141] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.938813, 30.203327] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Я романтик

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[142] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.041010, 30.464093] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Старая крепость

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[143] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.944629, 30.552417] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Яркий

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[144] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.059151, 30.450384] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Силы природы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[145] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.756295, 30.369083] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ТРИО

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[146] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.068986, 30.399767] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленинградское Трио

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[147] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.059874, 30.432443] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Витамин

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[148] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.102885, 30.290295] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Морошкино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[149] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.892186, 30.451825] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК О Юность

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[150] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.980850, 30.374221] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Фламинго

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[151] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.909098, 30.515751] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Европейский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[152] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.982322, 30.224444] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Три ветра

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[153] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.980845, 30.512729] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Стереос

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[154] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.139665, 30.232016] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Чистый ручей

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[155] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.842571, 30.305879] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Перемена

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[156] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.907446, 30.315581] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Времена года

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[157] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.831367, 30.24836] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Трилогия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[158] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.017526, 30.289772] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эдельвейс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[159] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.85261, 30.346932] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кремлевские звезды

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[160] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.831878, 30.54563] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петр Великий и Екатерина Великая

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[161] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.060739, 30.427896] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Краски лета

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[162] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.905936, 30.517509] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вернисаж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[163] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.050055, 30.431856] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мой город

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[164] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.909667, 30.513031] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Березовая роща

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[165] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.902135, 30.510300] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Австрийский квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[166] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.808994, 30.378040] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Школьной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[167] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.811955, 30.370149] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юнион

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[168] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.165346, 30.194136] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Сертолово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[169] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.850752, 30.152818] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Линкор

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[170] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.983649, 30.382449] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Иван-да-Марья

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[171] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.992453, 29.757461] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Амазонка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[172] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.885948, 30.989282] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Крутой берег

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[173] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.958733, 30.596829] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ясно. Янино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[174] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.079679, 29.967110] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Разлива

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[175] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.898929, 30.521229] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кудров-Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[176] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.072197, 30.317056] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шуваловский дуэт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[177] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053449, 30.433542] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Созвездие

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[178] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.862270, 30.179166] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом БДТ

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[179] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.030402, 30.743484] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Щегловская усадьба

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[180] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.806785, 30.369301] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шушары

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[181] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.074075, 30.242980] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Парголово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[182] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.759696, 30.466827] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленсоветовский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[183] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.037218, 30.408786] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Просвещения, 85

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[184] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.018192, 30.646703] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Всеволожск

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[185] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.939328, 30.253419] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Линия-24 В.О.

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[186] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.795262, 30.156507] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дудергофская линия 3

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[187] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.858262, 30.317299] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Победы, 5

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[188] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999003, 30.213355] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Оптиков, 34

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[189] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999650, 30.217872] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Яхтенная, 24

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[190] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.034087, 30.240610] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Каменка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[191] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.033981, 30.238768] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Каменка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[192] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.947210, 30.576487] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Янино-Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[193] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.856178 , 30.316929] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Граф Орлов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[194] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.972505, 30.296653] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Буржуа

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[195] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.901760, 30.321484] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Империал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[196] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.975990 , 30.387045] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Маршал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[197] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.045215 , 30.362009] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лондон Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[198] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.963794 , 30.272010] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Премьер Палас

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[199] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.844764, 30.362304] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Звездный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[200] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.964480, 30.281415] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Классика

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[201] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.958027, 30.322020] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Серебряные зеркала

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[202] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.902678, 30.427038] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на набережной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[203] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.932815, 30.366449] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Арт Студио 2-я Советская

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[204] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.927172, 30.368048] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Невского

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[205] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.980704, 30.379586] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Синема

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[206] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.979324, 30.371676] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ландыши

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[207] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.942776, 30.260330] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Фьорд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[208] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.827344, 30.337291] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Сириус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[209] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.829586, 30.536351] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Живи! В Рыбацком

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[210] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.023803, 30.603033] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северный вальс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[211] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.033769, 30.228785] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Легенда Комендантского

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[212] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.8701, 30.161591] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Паруса

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[213] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.87999, 30.314062] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Московский квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[214] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.027886, 30.746762] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Азбука

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[215] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.904487, 30.3231] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Богемия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[216] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.967552, 30.269490] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Крестовский de lux

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[217] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.920668, 30.437087] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Складская 28

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[218] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.957354, 30.242655] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Докландс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[219] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.925959, 30.336422] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ховард

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[220] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.913764, 30.438398] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Легенда Дальневосточного

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[221] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.834129, 30.522511] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Форт Рыбацкий

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[222] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.959022, 30.262859] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петровская ривьера

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[223] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.130310, 29.942353] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Светлый мир "Внутри"

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[224] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.831572, 30.328346] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Салют

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[225] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.752503, 30.373860] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Неоклассика

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[226] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940270, 30.353160] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Русский дом

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[227] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.178640, 30.379993] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шотландия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[228] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.793032, 30.166757] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ветер перемен

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[229] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.058227, 30.432612] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Территория

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[230] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.736715, 30.120501] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петровская мельница

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[231] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.899397, 30.515941] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лондон

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[232] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.064506, 30.44121] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленинградская Перспектива

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[233] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.846093, 30.485398] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Князь Александр Невский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[234] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.916852, 30.516498] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Капитал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[235] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.010056, 30.404379] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Академия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[236] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.798149, 30.633414] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нева Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[237] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.869399, 30.458988] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом-Мегалит на Неве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[238] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.074467, 30.341083] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северная долина 1

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[239] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999453, 30.210217] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Приморский Каскад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[240] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.939460, 30.251428] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Резиденс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[241] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.983851, 30.348854] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лесная Сказка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[242] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999692, 30.197237] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Медный всадник

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[243] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053373, 30.001054] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ясный дом

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[244] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.19759, 29.720438] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мини Териоки

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[245] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.826298, 30.332487] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Триумф Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[246] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.798846, 30.630719] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Правый берег

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[247] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.039050, 30.221017] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Чистое небо

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[248] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.052434, 30.453238] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у метро Девяткино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[249] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.867882, 30.458197] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у речного вокзала

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[250] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.983279, 30.390662] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Атланта 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[251] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.060725, 30.288443] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Скандинавия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[252] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.740347, 30.475417] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Славянка 128

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[253] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.027629, 30.288793] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Щербаковский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[254] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.907767, 30.251576] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Екатерингоф

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[255] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.947942, 30.568358] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Брусничный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[256] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.982905, 30.314925] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Риверсайд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[257] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.115176, 30.473424] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северное трио

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[258] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.026667, 30.321921] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленинград

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[259] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.900093, 30.451908] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Цивилизация

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[260] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.834285, 30.332507] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК НЕО (Московское шоссе, 3)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[261] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.834574, 30.401919] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Балканы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[262] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.904976, 30.325011] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Небо Москвы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[263] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.908218, 30.349064] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый Лиговский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[264] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.010075, 30.481843] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Цветной город

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[265] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.998155, 30.329249] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Усадьба на Ланском

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[266] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.059436, 30.434855] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северная Палитра

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[267] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985057, 30.273234] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дибуновская 30

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[268] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.933857, 30.432652] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Малая Охта

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[269] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.122277, 30.423708] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ЭкоСити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[270] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.909319, 30.457986] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Невский Эталон

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[271] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.986989, 30.646675] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Радужный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[272] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053135, 30.437108] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Виктория

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[273] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.933089, 30.619722] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Рябиновый сад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[274] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.986481, 30.645571] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Олимп

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[275] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.863177, 30.189411] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Балтийская волна

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[276] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.947933, 30.562485] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Янинский каскад-2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[277] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.996731, 30.273854] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Богатырь

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[278] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.051204 , 30.446131] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мечта

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[279] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.057245, 30.441656] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Охтинская дуга

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[280] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.015152, 30.312239] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Невский стиль

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[281] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.904683 , 30.510800] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Прогресс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[282] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.913808, 30.506943] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый Оккервиль

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[283] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962274 , 30.328857] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мироздание

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[284] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.839358, 30.112854] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Солнечный город

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[285] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.706733, 30.774540] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Первомайский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[286] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.965130 , 30.491180] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жерновка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[287] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.045938, 30.300219] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шуваловский дом

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[288] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.968607, 30.428673] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кристалл Полюстрово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[289] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.015921 , 30.320758] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Ярославском проспекте 39

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[290] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.993626, 30.389] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на проспекте Непокоренных

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[291] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.797135 , 30.641466] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в поселке им. Свердлова

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[292] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.845646, 30.115752] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Английская миля

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[293] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.873895 , 30.366942] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Твин Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[294] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.020653 , 30.315097] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шерлок Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[295] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.028393, 30.41524] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мейн Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[296] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.059612, 30.722165] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Итальянский квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[297] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.910287 , 30.517576] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гольфстрим

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[298] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985036, 30.378464] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Калейдоскоп

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[299] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.065358, 30.424983] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Материк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[300] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.115385, 30.463094] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Горки Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[301] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.034270 , 30.677418] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мелодия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[302] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.052228, 30.467793] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Галактика

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[303] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.995190, 30.276086] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Богатырь 3

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[304] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.974944, 30.318499] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Сканди Клабб

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[305] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.052650, 30.448629] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эланд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[306] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.034912, 30.656145] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Грона Лунд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[307] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.847706, 30.105777] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Клёны

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[308] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.830713, 30.363185] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Баухауз

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[309] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.034922 , 30.457623] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Охта. На речке

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[310] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.897542, 29.765725] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ломоносовъ

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[311] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.051095, 30.701940] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Молодежный Квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[312] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.033669 , 30.684347] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Румболово-Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[313] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.914453 , 30.443920] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Коллонтай, 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[314] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.884708 , 30.426758] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Высота

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[315] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.176888 , 30.369449] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Елки Вилладж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[316] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.061188, 30.400643] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Энфилд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[317] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.840939, 30.353355] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Космонавтов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[318] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.937234 , 30.380329] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Верен Плейс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[319] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935387, 30.434237] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Золотая Долина

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[320] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.032930, 30.231447] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Йога

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[321] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.012392 , 30.379483] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Обручевых

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[322] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.903439 , 30.310067] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Галактика

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[323] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.184259, 29.753411] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Первая линия.

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[324] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.998616 , 30.160916] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лахтинский Пассаж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[325] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.884785, 30.367637] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ВАЛО

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[326] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.932708, 30.420226] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Два ангела

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[327] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.984008, 30.249716] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Елагин Апарт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[328] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.858539 , 30.150816] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Легенда Героев

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[329] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.920257, 30.345894] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ЙЕС на Социалистической

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[330] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.926697 , 30.384984] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Прайм Резиденс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[331] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.005056 , 30.156197] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лахта Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[332] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.931063 , 30.288500] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Голландия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[333] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.937589 , 30.253992] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лофт на Среднем

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[334] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.953472 , 30.279265] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Роял Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[335] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.906066 , 30.315128] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Променад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[336] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.982333 , 30.355310] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лайф-Лесная

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[337] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.046267, 30.405112] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эврика

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[338] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.905480, 30.341044] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Первый квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[339] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.949729 , 30.350386] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Приоритет

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[340] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.969593, 30.339835] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Фьюжен

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[341] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.989587, 30.374646] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Суворов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[342] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.958851 , 30.289367] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Биография

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[343] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.936834, 30.417695] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Магнифика ЛайфСтайл

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[344] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.973807 , 30.270636] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эспер Клаб

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[345] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.937682 , 30.249206] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Некст

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[346] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999602, 30.359280] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вертикаль на Мужества

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[347] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.065140, 30.430931] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ГринЛандия 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[348] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985433, 30.393101] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полюстрово Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[349] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.827015 , 30.555321] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Невские Паруса

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[350] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.938446 , 30.438055] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ЗимаЛето

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[351] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.929752, 30.261502] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Палацио

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[352] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.002525 , 30.222096] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК МореОкеан

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[353] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.840711, 30.312221] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Москва

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[354] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.983026, 30.244731] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Стокгольм

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[355] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940573, 30.383137] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Ратуши

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[356] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940912, 30.383733] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Кирочной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[357] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.960172, 30.256088] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петровский Квартал на воде

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[358] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.061764 , 30.473444] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в Новом Девяткино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[359] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.752348 , 30.370224] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК СолнцеПарк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[360] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.986258 , 30.370603] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кирилл и Дарья

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[361] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.894176, 30.448257] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полис на Неве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[362] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.811407 , 30.081661] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК НьюПитер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[363] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.028257, 30.335867] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лиственный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[364] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.959636, 30.272656] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Остров

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[365] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.106072 , 29.973922] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пляж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[366] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.963394 , 30.286595] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ГРАНИ

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[367] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.956334 , 30.271760] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК АВАТАР

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[368] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.114157, 29.954579] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Русские сезоны

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[369] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.006260 , 30.282697] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК МАСТЕР Серебристый бульвар 19

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[370] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.052696 , 30.416238] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мурино 2017

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[371] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.997741, 30.304481] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Приморский квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[372] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.820264, 30.339809] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Две столицы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[373] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962775 , 30.261173] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нева Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[374] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.964394, 30.290852] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кингдом

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[375] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.933000, 30.615575] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Браво

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[376] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.972729, 30.320708] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ботаника

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[377] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.901142, 30.455341] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ренессанс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[378] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.857932, 30.324972] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Виктория Плаза

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[379] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.984673, 30.353094] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК g9

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[380] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.821822, 30.329663] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Крылья

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[381] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.035143, 30.216263] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полис на Комендантском

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[382] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.789555, 30.164263] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Горелово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[383] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.826352, 30.334281] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Грин Тауэр

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[384] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.823905, 30.345612] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Светлый мир жизнь

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[385] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.773541, 30.600376] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Колпино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[386] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.993613 , 30.356536] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лайк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[387] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.909770, 30.349132] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лук

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[388] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.930475, 30.383605] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дипломат

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[389] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.860000, 29.939685] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый Петергоф

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[390] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962684, 30.328175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Атлант

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[391] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.062587, 30.441171] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Форвард

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[392] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.068709, 30.445658] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Цвета Радуги

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[393] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.055074, 30.418525] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мурино 2019

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[394] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.070163, 30.316756] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Миллениум

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[395] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.998361, 30.200117] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленинградская симфония

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[396] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.994657, 30.323246] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК У Черной речки

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[397] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.622291, 30.171714] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Верево-Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[398] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.774846, 30.046928] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шоколад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[399] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.207824, 29.682195] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новые Терийоки

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[400] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.951003, 30.411571] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК На Охте

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[401] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.761310, 30.630680] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Олимп

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[402] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.044662, 30.705609] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в Романовке

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[403] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.043860, 30.370877] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Актерский Олимп

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[404] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.641380, 30.430848] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ново-Антропшино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[405] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.840274, 30.257240] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Александрит

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[406] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.908680, 30.509518] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК КудроВО

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[407] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.959167, 30.572378] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ЗемлЯнино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[408] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.755132, 30.372817] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пушгород

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[409] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.065698, 30.397142] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ювента

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[410] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.848906, 30.102612] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полководец

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[411] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.913577, 30.354149] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Тамбовской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[412] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.771633, 30.040894] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Апрель

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[413] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.640635, 30.432879] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Графская слобода

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[414] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.348014, 29.753492] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кивеннапа Север

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[415] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.610630, 30.058506] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кивеннапа Юг

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[416] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.031576, 30.292848] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Коломяги Плюс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[417] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.862545, 30.160829] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Огни Залива

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[418] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.957308, 30.290354] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК На Гребецкой

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[419] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.961566, 30.282777] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мендельсон

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[420] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962556, 30.282814] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аристократ

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[421] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.941171, 30.384599] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Щедрин

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[422] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.902661, 30.325538] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Киевской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[423] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.964858, 30.347884] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Выборгской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[424] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.021024, 30.318661] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Березового сада

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[425] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.032646, 30.653705] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ассорти

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[426] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.730672, 30.100028] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Красное село

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[427] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.037305, 30.645038] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мозаика (Дом у парка)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[428] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.938406, 30.513464] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Заневка-3 (МЖК Реалист)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[429] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935980, 30.638031] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Центральный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[430] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.937579, 30.642946] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Павловский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[431] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.754671, 30.367106] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Образцовый квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[432] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.074137, 30.318125] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ПРАГМА city

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[433] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.056759, 30.312226] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Прагма Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[434] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.021000, 30.278400] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК До Ре Ми

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[435] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.006125, 30.223662] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северная Регата

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[436] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.955440, 30.288716] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Офицерский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[437] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.011829, 30.611742] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Швейцария (Бернгардовка)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[438] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.002326, 30.323239] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Светлана

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[439] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.116962, 30.417735] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Альпийская деревня

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[440] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.121741, 30.277461] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Черничная поляна

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[441] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.051949, 30.455007] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лаврики 33

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[442] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.076760, 30.392652] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вилла Хиллс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[443] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.180905, 30.324330] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вартемяги

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[444] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.150811, 30.267610] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Финские кварталы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[445] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.846722, 30.223594] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шереметьевский дворец

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[446] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.047782, 30.467094] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Удача

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[447] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.028770, 30.746885] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жар-Птица

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[448] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.245974, 29.630122] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Рощино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[449] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.058652, 30.418269] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Светлановский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[450] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.812706, 30.373204] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Московский UP-квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[451] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.027104, 30.253702] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ап-квартал Комендантский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[452] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.012624, 30.649638] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Комфорт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[453] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.033868, 30.685927] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Грин Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[454] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.982180, 30.640410] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Южная Поляна

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[455] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.028877, 30.249373] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Граффити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[456] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.936339, 31.030385] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК На улице Кирова 6 (Шлиссельбург)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[457] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.878474, 30.982929] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в Кировске

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[458] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.008525, 30.019277] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аллегро Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[459] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.615015, 30.371825] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Покровские горки

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[460] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.630882, 30.404730] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Город детства

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[461] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.730269, 30.619788] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Огни Колпино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[462] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.689364, 30.263006] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Город-спутник Южный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[463] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.125099, 30.422920] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Близкое

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[464] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.033474, 30.653096] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шведские пруды

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[465] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.043862, 30.695766] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Оранж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[466] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.045597, 30.695112] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Победа

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[467] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.550037, 30.855402] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тосно ГРАД

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[468] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.555643, 30.083254] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Красных Военлетов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[469] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.927470, 30.293147] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Арт Вью Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[470] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.934580, 31.028558] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Моя крепость

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[471] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.834599, 29.876643] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Бельгийский квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[472] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.748403, 30.303915] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пулковские высоты

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[473] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.163778, 29.858826] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кристалл

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[474] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.809162, 30.072440] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новоселье: городские кварталы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[475] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.846007, 30.092239] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ново-Сергиево

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[476] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.932329, 30.643373] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гармония

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[477] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.991987, 30.645201] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полар Южный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[478] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.056082, 30.435245] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Сокол

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[479] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.020019, 30.653199] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пиетари

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[480] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.640023, 30.531109] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Есенин Вилладж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[481] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.148806, 30.216344] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Отражение

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[482] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.757097, 30.472036] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Добрыня

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[483] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.202024, 30.301099] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Цветы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[484] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.906234, 30.312450] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Фрунзенской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[485] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.062048, 30.323338] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шуваловский Park

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[486] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.979419, 30.377081] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пифагор

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[487] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.941419, 30.261242] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Две Эпохи

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[488] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.800070, 30.632721] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК НеваDA

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[489] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.906177, 30.277122] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Адмирал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[490] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.670329, 30.525374] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Счастье

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[491] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.941859, 30.267344] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Делагарди

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[492] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.219693, 30.307894] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Барская усадьба

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[493] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.877331, 31.004863] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кировский Посад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[494] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.920131, 30.295643] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом Цезаря Кавоса

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[495] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.722756, 30.264399] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Малое Карлино 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[496] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.835167, 30.342607] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Барселона

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[497] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.031501, 30.229886] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Легенда Комендантского 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[498] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.829743, 30.365110] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Звездный дуэт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[499] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.910114, 30.508898] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Парклэнд

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[500] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.824184, 30.338084] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК 4Ю

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[501] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.900475, 30.312919] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Арт Квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[502] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.843054 , 30.302718] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Философия на Московской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[503] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.811870, 30.339407] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Московский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[504] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.988393 , 30.365664] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Блюхера 4

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[505] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.835500 , 30.155927] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аист

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[506] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.919682, 30.346227] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК YE'S Residence

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[507] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.911119, 30.521349] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Европейский парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[508] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.910238 , 30.356619] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Каретного

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[509] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.909748, 30.522449] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Геометрия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[510] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.831113, 30.364867] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК КосмосStar

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[511] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.905316, 30.345041] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Второй квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[512] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.937416, 30.255635] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нева-Нева

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[513] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.983278, 30.358434] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Облака на Лесной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[514] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.856899, 30.151492] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жемчужный берег

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[515] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.851643, 30.149669] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жемчужный Фрегат

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[516] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.850531, 30.157524] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дудергоф Клаб

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[517] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.848779, 30.152878] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жемчужная симфония

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[518] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.023721, 30.328339] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Сосновка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[519] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.942368, 30.189300] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Golden City

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[520] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.977796, 30.334117] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Притяжение

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[521] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.031296, 30.208050] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ариосто

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[522] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.117629, 30.173045] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Живи! В Курортном

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[523] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.754511, 30.374634] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Экспоград

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[524] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.750579, 30.370254] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Экспоград II

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[525] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.981978, 30.388499] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Атланта

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[526] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.873461, 30.334346] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Космос

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[527] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999251, 30.206761] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Марсель

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[528] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.933457, 30.345032] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Невский 68

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[529] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.962251, 30.245140] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петровская доминанта

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[530] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.956803, 30.448554] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Охта Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[531] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.997906, 30.205980] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Акварель

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[532] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.072346, 30.314606] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жили-Были

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[533] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.936425, 30.248803] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Суоми

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[534] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.994112, 30.193356] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вита Нова

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[535] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.001284, 30.326068] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Соло

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[536] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.861120, 30.189370] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тринити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[537] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.014029, 30.316641] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Костромской 14

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[538] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.813838, 30.385682] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нордика

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[539] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.057210, 30.467308] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Янтарь

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[540] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.001085, 30.324526] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Золотая середина

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[541] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.980659, 30.387234] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Панорама

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[542] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.001849, 30.212099] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Морская Звезда

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[543] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.003707, 30.214236] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гуси-Лебеди

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[544] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.831871, 30.141027] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Сандэй

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[545] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.989944, 30.651649] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Зеленый город

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[546] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.002287, 30.207887] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Победитель

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[547] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.947564, 30.566933] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Янинский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[548] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.996921, 30.202992] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лахтинский разлив

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[549] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.991904, 30.656786] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кальтино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[550] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.071543, 30.323196] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Паркола

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[551] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.903373, 30.511702] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Флагман

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[552] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.044662, 30.705275] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Романовский особняк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[553] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.917761, 30.291551] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Адмиралтейский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[554] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.807148, 30.369282] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Волна

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[555] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.938408, 30.473479] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Передовиков

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[556] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053691, 30.324977] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК YES

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[557] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.974521, 30.270574] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Венеция

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[558] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.937224, 30.204132] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Круиз Апарт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[559] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.013477, 30.309948] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шведская крона

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[560] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.983886, 30.281090] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Приморском проспекте 43А

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[561] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.003902, 30.198002] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Серебряный источник

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[562] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.901464, 30.464478] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Невский дуэт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[563] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.306296, 29.845846] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кивеннапа Подгорное

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[564] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.898789, 30.446229] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Цивилизация на Неве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[565] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.272412, 29.818390] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кивеннапа Симагино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[566] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.619593, 29.495380] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кивеннапа Юго-Запад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[567] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.994641, 30.197109] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ленинградские вечера

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[568] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.040089, 30.408351] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом Мегалит

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[569] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985239, 30.274940] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом-Мегалит на Дибуновской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[570] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.982513, 30.320731] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ривьер Нуар

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[571] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.993549, 30.667610] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Багатель

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[572] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.004589, 30.402302] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Академ-Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[573] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.848297, 30.308289] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Клевер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[574] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.006680, 30.204538] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Хайтек-Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[575] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.696656, 29.945439] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Высоцкое

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[576] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.890742, 30.421360] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Седова

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[577] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.936922, 30.640943] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Колтуши 5+

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[578] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.859336, 30.196019] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аквамарин 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[579] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.066205, 30.302175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эквилибриум

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[580] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.056451, 30.465391] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Фрегат

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[581] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.060689, 30.455262] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Северный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[582] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.841901, 30.349469] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Южный Замок

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[583] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.066622, 30.403296] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в поселке Бугры, 59 в

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[584] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.048163, 30.470951] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гамма

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[585] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.948136, 30.277139] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Малом

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[586] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940306, 30.274551] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на линии

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[587] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.046628, 30.698099] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Романов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[588] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.050166, 30.449694] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вилла Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[589] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.844004, 30.224143] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Бенуа

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[590] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.843577, 30.225821] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Усадьба Воронцовых

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[591] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.683793, 30.435910] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ливадия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[592] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.684962, 30.442879] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аркадия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[593] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.682706, 30.434746] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в Павловске

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[594] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.994279, 30.643328] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Южный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[595] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.842135, 30.930641] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дубровка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[596] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985776, 30.642925] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Южная Долина

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[597] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.867780, 30.256094] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кронштадтский форт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[598] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.861834, 30.186440] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Роза ветров

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[599] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.732009, 30.474335] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом Хороших Квартир

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[600] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985015, 30.407604] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Семья

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[601] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.707489, 30.782003] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тирамису

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[602] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.851069, 30.285060] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Современник

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[603] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.719787, 30.400846] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Серебряный век

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[604] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.078990, 30.326254] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Парнас Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[605] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.189338, 30.315221] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вартемяги парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[606] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.797942, 30.792966] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Оранжерейка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[607] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.946645, 30.235903] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Башни Беринга

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[608] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.677918, 30.097078] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Золотые ключи

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[609] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.030854, 30.743813] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Традиция

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[610] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.904310, 30.317576] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вертикаль

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[611] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.043043, 30.684954] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Рябово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[612] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.569466, 30.135418] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Урицкого (Гатчина)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[613] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.559818, 30.123541] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Амстердам

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[614] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.755201, 29.715060] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Орже

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[615] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.975434, 30.286932] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Клубный Дом Дель Арте

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[616] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.964899, 30.326187] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петроградец

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[617] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.023056, 30.647693] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Вахрушева

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[618] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.015841, 30.653705] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Булгаков

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[619] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.952387, 30.558135] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ржевская усадьба

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[620] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.067692, 30.426220] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ID Мурино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[621] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.837797, 30.156743] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Премьера

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[622] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.987705, 30.187159] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лахта Плаза

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[623] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.895151, 30.312066] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Галактика. Премиум

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[624] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.740782, 30.469784] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Славянка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[625] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.952639, 30.578784] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Янила Драйв

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[626] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.857100, 29.943312] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Петергоф Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[627] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.931205, 30.460141] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ладожский парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[628] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.633624, 30.412032] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Коммунар

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[629] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.043711, 30.30213] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шаляпин

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[630] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.549844, 30.858239] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Корона

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[631] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.870519, 29.848643] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Университетский Петергоф

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[632] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.845091, 30.375861] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кассиопея

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[633] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.574788, 30.121619] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Орлова роща

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[634] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935839, 30.419976] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Магнифика Резиденс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[635] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.720733, 30.427707] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом в парке

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[636] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.907687, 31.075309] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Синявино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[637] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.985389, 29.796962] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Фортеция

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[638] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.930359, 30.248648] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Детской 18А

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[639] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.915315, 30.470057] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК На проспекте Большевиков

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[640] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.999385, 30.348039] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кристалл

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[641] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.199614, 30.540287] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Американская Деревня

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[642] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.838527, 30.357150] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гранд Фамилия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[643] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.833708, 29.836682] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Бельведер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[644] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.845864, 30.112135] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Константиновское

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[645] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.918729, 30.351123] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Лиговском проспекте

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[646] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.537571, 30.871898] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жемчужина Тосно

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[647] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053382, 30.003713] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Рай в шалаше

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[648] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.843574, 30.084651] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Прованс

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[649] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.731876, 30.369022] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кузьминское Плато

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[650] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.981704, 30.668588] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Шагрово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[651] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.724412, 30.416755] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пушкин House

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[652] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.686907, 30.407182] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Александровский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[653] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.680676, 30.434583] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мариинский парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[654] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.932222, 30.268352] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Маленькая Франция

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[655] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.925378, 30.373988] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Гранд Хаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[656] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.054496, 30.763204] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нова Грин (Малый Петербург)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[657] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.139986, 30.232202] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Воздух

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[658] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.752824, 30.307180] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Город цветов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[659] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940893, 30.229579] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Васильевский квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[660] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.093722, 29.960621] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый курорт

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[661] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.961182, 30.488029] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Ржевке

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[662] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.094363, 29.959393] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Водолей 2

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[663] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.850656, 30.027607] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Альтернатива

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[664] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.972556, 30.291428] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Грота, 1-3

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[665] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.423452, 30.123404] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Покровка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[666] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.033258, 30.293383] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Коломяги ЭКО

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[667] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.834848, 30.341590] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Звезда

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[668] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.864795, 30.463790] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Александрия

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[669] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.835264, 29.872538] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мандарин

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[670] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.760934, 30.771685] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Отрадное

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[671] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.888597, 30.412818] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Елизаровский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[672] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.970806, 30.414196] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полюстрово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[673] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.893887, 30.316840] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Апарт-отель «М-97»

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[674] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.805413, 30.357363] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК All Inclusive

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[675] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.031839, 30.200323] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК New Time

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[676] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.979224, 30.332813] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый Лесснер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[677] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.958526, 30.278462] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Ждановке

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[678] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.084715, 29.957801] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Приморском шоссе

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[679] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.560110, 30.123278] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Приорат

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[680] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.981780, 30.214601] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лотос Тауэр

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[681] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.929598, 30.254045] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Преображенский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[682] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.120194, 30.277354] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Заповедный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[683] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940675, 30.835801] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Березовка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[684] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.616432, 30.043020] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Пуд счастья

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[685] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.923008, 30.372068] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Николаевский ансамбль

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[686] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.896383, 30.281239] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нарвский Посад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[687] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.722184, 30.078212] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дважды два

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[688] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.799588, 30.634158] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Родные берега

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[689] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.707202, 30.406734] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дворянское сословие

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[690] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.031266, 30.748473] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Щеглово Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[691] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.939979, 30.391217] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Монополист

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[692] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.622699, 30.395646] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Клубном

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[693] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.910510, 30.313347] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на улице Егорова 25

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[694] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.659145, 30.125441] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Демидовский парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[695] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.701703, 30.787132] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Никольское

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[696] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.925079, 30.298562] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Опера Палас

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[697] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.948309, 30.340935] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Клубный дом "Особняк Кушелева-Безбородко"

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[698] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.030929, 30.749317] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом с фонтаном

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[699] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.976962, 30.242561] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Императорский яхтъ-клуб

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[700] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.030622, 30.219293] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Серая цапля

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[701] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.215411, 30.307811] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК 84 Высота

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[702] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.747742, 30.588646] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Капитал Классик

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[703] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.933977, 30.367487] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на 4-ой Советской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[704] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.847127, 30.936501] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дубровка на Неве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[705] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.762083, 30.763216] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Моя Отрада

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[706] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.540557, 30.076884] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новая Гатчина

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[707] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.978740, 30.294373] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Резиденция на Каменном

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[708] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.145482, 30.213785] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юбилей

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[709] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.017494, 30.598232] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Всеволожский штиль

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[710] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.025324, 30.749993] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Алгоритм

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[711] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.638117, 30.534566] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ижора Сити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[712] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.023465, 30.220524] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Юнтоловская перспектива

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[713] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.620980, 30.394536] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Надежный

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[714] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.917930, 30.512445] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Архитектор

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[715] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.212913, 30.304420] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Агалатово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[716] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.120491, 30.504021] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Кузьмоловский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[717] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.934675, 30.208324] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Магеллан

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[718] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.720762, 30.423296] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Софийский бульвар

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[719] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.912655, 30.522339] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Карвила. Город на реке

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[720] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.764560, 30.786026] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дружба

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[721] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.940569, 30.513314] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Веда Вилладж

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[722] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.965054, 30.283600] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Зелейной (Марко Поло)

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[723] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.098035, 29.962278] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Морской конек

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[724] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.984483, 30.322424] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Чёрная Речка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[725] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.854897, 30.151480] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Наутилус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[726] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.935125, 30.206089] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Нахимов

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[727] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.934031, 30.205355] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Колумб

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[728] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.970149, 30.419216] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом на Львовской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[729] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.839621, 30.302777] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Полис на Московской

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[730] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.859270, 30.145773] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жемчужный каскад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[731] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.061219, 30.440709] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Муринские высоты

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[732] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.906912, 30.322769] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Studio Moskovsky

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[733] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.965651, 30.285054] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Футурист

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[734] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.912567, 30.302220] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Болконский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[735] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.806087, 30.357284] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Аэросити

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[736] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.990888, 30.326393] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Терра

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[737] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.950355, 30.215722] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК KORABLI

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[738] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.068510, 30.313475] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Континенты

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[739] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.907383, 30.316368] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Легенда на Московском, 65

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[740] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.901319, 30.431505] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эталон на Неве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[741] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.056126, 30.418756] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мурино 2020

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[742] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.830233, 30.372443] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК IN2IT

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[743] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.994604, 30.259008] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Артлайн

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[744] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.001693 , 30.452113] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Ручьи

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[745] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.905522, 30.443233] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Pulse на Набережной

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[746] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.883016, 30.431948] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Стрижи в Невском

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[747] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.956046, 30.254033] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Эмеральд на Малой Неве

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[748] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.960486, 30.261160] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Familia

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[749] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.841753, 30.302935] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Q-Мир

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[750] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.833702, 30.331331] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК NEOPARK

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[751] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.002534, 30.346515] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Институтский, 16

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[752] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.853577, 30.344722] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Питер

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[753] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.965283, 30.345976] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Nobelius

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[754] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.062653, 30.437657] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Лампо

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[755] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.872984, 30.346063] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Статус у Парка Победы

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[756] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.847582, 30.417337] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новое Купчино

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[757] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.960625, 30.254313] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК The One

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[758] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.694310, 30.406494] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК UP-квартал Пушкинский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[759] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.064659, 30.438367] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Мурино Парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[760] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.011061, 30.328000] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Svetlana Park

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[761] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.762193, 30.322023] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Зеленый квартал

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[762] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.920640, 30.517852] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК ID Кудрово

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[763] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.900090, 30.363432] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Волковский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[764] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.862566, 30.154481] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Жемчужная гавань

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[765] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.918259 , 30.340590] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Артхаус

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[766] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.994643, 30.323651] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Тармо

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[767] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.910923, 30.320017] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Идеалист

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[768] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.990010, 30.293036] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Zoom Apart

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[769] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.744619, 30.478030] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Славянка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[770] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.071443, 30.342759] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Апарт-отель Start

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[771] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.828580, 30.345248] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Звезды Столиц

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[772] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.934782, 30.192293] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Морская набережная

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[773] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.969635, 30.274304] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Крестовский IV

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[774] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.008077, 30.336751] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Панорама парк Сосновка

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[775] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.906102, 30.314061] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Променад

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[776] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [60.053489, 30.268506] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Заповедный парк

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[777] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.924431, 30.379497] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Новый Невский

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_nov[778] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [59.875195, 30.334346] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЖК Клубный дом Б57

' }}, { preset: "twirl#houseIcon" }) geoObjects_shkol[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916211, 30.326311] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №306 с углубленным изучением английского языка, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923482, 30.340637] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №321, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928342, 30.339836] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №206, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919843, 30.356887] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №304, центр подготовки кадет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929009, 30.366043] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №153, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924118, 30.308684] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №241, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926421, 30.370055] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №169 с углубленным изучением английского языка, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93318, 30.358161] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №207 с углубленным изучением английского языка, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931441, 30.317835] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лицей №211 им. Пьера де Кубертена, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918211, 30.343455] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №612, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928887, 30.316013] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя школа №243 Адмиралтейского района города Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925818, 30.354996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №294, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926224, 30.308493] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №256, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920096, 30.350911] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №309 с дошкольным отделением, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930547, 30.346258] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №216 им. Адама Мицкевича, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924736, 30.333961] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №308, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933575, 30.359563] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Международная школа Герценовского университета' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922278, 30.309795] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №229, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.887773, 30.322199] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'РИД, частная школа-детский сад' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910823, 30.314441] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №564, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924744, 30.332864] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центр образования №195, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912399, 30.322437] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Деловая волна' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929357, 30.377665] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №167, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914219, 30.400961] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центр образования №133 Невского района' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913484, 30.309423] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №266 с углубленным изучением французского языка, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924512, 30.406839] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №152, Красногвардейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933279, 30.355955] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №207 с углубленным изучением английского языка, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907026, 30.350598] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №359, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912951, 30.32437] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Школа №522, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923034, 30.310227] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №229, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.889551, 30.359481] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №360 им. А.В. Германа, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909418, 30.313975] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №564, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912454, 30.350948] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Школа №153, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910855, 30.322424] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Деловая волна' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928951, 30.332764] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Школа информационных технологий, средняя общеобразовательная школа №550' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922507, 30.310495] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №229, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913471, 30.321652] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Школа №5 Адмиралтейского района Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930939, 30.343639] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №122, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933332, 30.38306] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центр образования №80, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925518, 30.330114] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЧОУ Санкт-Петербургская школа ТТИШБ' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938263, 30.357281] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Обучение в диалоге, частная школа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912399, 30.322437] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №307, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937878, 30.350691] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Тутти, средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением предметов музыкального цикла' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.895407, 30.31975] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Свято-Владимирская школа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934053, 30.382417] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Квадривиум, частная начальная школа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932838, 30.348452] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Унисон, частная школа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918341, 30.34242] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Школа Экспресс, частная школа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93375, 30.382094] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центр образования №80, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923436, 30.334733] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Французская школа им. Андрэ Мальро' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912405, 30.326072] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №317, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913459, 30.302058] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лицей №281, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912405, 30.326072] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Успех, частная школа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_shkol[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936343, 30.377824] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №178, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#buildingsIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929807, 30.388591] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга, сеть перехватывающих автостоянок' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922026, 30.367634] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923097, 30.367246] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.896279, 30.361541] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга, сеть перехватывающих автостоянок' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91825, 30.368997] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903161, 30.320897] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.886429, 30.37404] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга, сеть перехватывающих автостоянок' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920847, 30.36806] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92012, 30.368323] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918666, 30.368847] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926437, 30.336677] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.890285, 30.318297] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924761, 30.321424] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Питер-Парк' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913642, 30.35311] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Паркинг' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89201, 30.324313] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920628, 30.36359] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гепард, крытая автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907729, 30.311451] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянки СПб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931557, 30.361898] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городская автостоянка, Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929167, 30.344235] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936638, 30.333134] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911293, 30.356264] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АвтоПорт, автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936249, 30.364629] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городская автостоянка, Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903161, 30.320897] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЛенСпецСму, автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932194, 30.335305] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городская автостоянка, Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925528, 30.36909] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919382, 30.368588] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925448, 30.368798] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Росском СПб, автостоянка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933687, 30.325122] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Городская автостоянка, Городской центр управления парковками Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_parkov[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922723, 30.367382] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СервисГараж' }}, { preset: 'twirl#carIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928709, 30.322595] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петербургские аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931979, 30.328028] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926529, 30.31442] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЗЕЛЕНАЯ ЛИНИЯ, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936728, 30.360025] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Алоэ, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.90635, 30.318776] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вита-Экспресс, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935813, 30.355096] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Балтфарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91098, 30.307679] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Help, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932001, 30.35514] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Доктор Столетов, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928046, 30.368937] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АПТЕКА СОЦЗДРАВ' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919388, 30.346544] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аптека на Боровой' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929128, 30.348008] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928592, 30.371095] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петербургские аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931032, 30.354824] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аптека №1' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934417, 30.336076] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нео-Фарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929295, 30.361979] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фармакор, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936222, 30.334794] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Университетская Аптека, финская сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934832, 30.379274] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Help, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923187, 30.37124] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Советская Аптека, г. Санкт-Петербург' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911651, 30.314932] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Шиповник, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911284, 30.318592] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вита-Экспресс, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934619, 30.334453] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петербургские аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927197, 30.360973] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Планета здоровья, аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930723, 30.365207] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Планета здоровья, аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935207, 30.355016] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Экофарм, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928196, 30.319189] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фиалка, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915082, 30.323895] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Шамама, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931567, 30.35861] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Здравстор, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.906022, 30.318796] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Эвалар, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925128, 30.317253] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92623, 30.312284] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Балтика-Мед, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924875, 30.348918] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гомеопатическая фармация, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921342, 30.353126] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петрофарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925868, 30.311332] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Здоровая жизнь, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926127, 30.346515] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удачная, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919764, 30.318165] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Современные Медицинские Технологии, аптечный пункт' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935576, 30.346887] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ава-Петер Фарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934757, 30.371048] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аптека Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.883238, 30.369734] }, properties: { balloonContent: '36,6, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921462, 30.347736] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фармшоп, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924932, 30.338745] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ФАРМАДОМ, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930629, 30.355169] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Медси, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923489, 30.37585] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'БиоТехноТроник-Фарма, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938445, 30.35265] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ленфарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920783, 30.356594] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вита-Экспресс, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932805, 30.353894] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мелодия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913657, 30.349018] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ника Фарм, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924827, 30.30782] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петербургские аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910918, 30.306985] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Алоэ, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903731, 30.318131] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ФАРМА ОР, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.904867, 30.312531] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фиалка, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922974, 30.368881] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Для жизни, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.902508, 30.321854] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Веда-Мед, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91518, 30.317867] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки Дрогери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[53] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916277, 30.320386] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Горздрав, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[54] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924283, 30.346748] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'РМК, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[55] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926764, 30.358729] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Доктор Столетов, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[56] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.892, 30.318275] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Линия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[57] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928597, 30.345294] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вита-Экспресс, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[58] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927483, 30.316511] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удачная, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[59] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.904713, 30.325484] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Будь здоров!, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[60] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908046, 30.307006] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Университетская Аптека, финская сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[61] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930783, 30.318828] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петрофарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[62] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927112, 30.316774] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вита-Экспресс, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[63] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899504, 30.401996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Планета здоровья, аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[64] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932951, 30.349407] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Университетская Аптека, финская сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[65] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.902259, 30.323594] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Энерго, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[66] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931269, 30.358138] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нео-Фарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[67] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924437, 30.385968] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Университетская Аптека, финская сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[68] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91573, 30.317753] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[69] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924411, 30.383857] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[70] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932642, 30.361456] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, аптечная сеть' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[71] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920676, 30.347665] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[72] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89757, 30.33412] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Алоэ, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[73] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934476, 30.348239] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[74] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930238, 30.354356] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Виктория, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[75] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919831, 30.340188] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мелодия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[76] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926341, 30.366175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Дежурная аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[77] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916257, 30.30921] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мелодия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[78] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.892746, 30.3232] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Будь здоров!, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[79] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927515, 30.375015] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Доктор Столетов, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[80] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888731, 30.320145] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Help, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[81] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.889553, 30.318849] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Линия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[82] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92642, 30.320121] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Университетская Аптека, финская сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[83] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910265, 30.313996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'А-Мега, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[84] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935933, 30.349424] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Радуга, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[85] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91098, 30.307679] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Альфа-Фарм, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[86] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916017, 30.314489] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вита-Экспресс, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[87] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937461, 30.374638] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лека-Фарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[88] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926819, 30.357347] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[89] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888783, 30.325313] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[90] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938754, 30.366735] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аптека Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[91] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929609, 30.347946] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Доктор Столетов, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[92] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930555, 30.366404] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петербургские аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[93] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923403, 30.329945] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[94] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936821, 30.340736] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'А-Мега, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[95] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932113, 30.368031] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Доктор Столетов, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[96] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.887087, 30.359135] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[97] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909344, 30.306933] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[98] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928192, 30.320622] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Живика, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[99] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926937, 30.316357] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Планета здоровья, аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[100] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933801, 30.329043] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Университетская Аптека, финская сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[101] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925921, 30.317761] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пульс, сеть аптек низких цен' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[102] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907668, 30.34599] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Неболит, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[103] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928911, 30.349985] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лека-Фарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[104] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92553, 30.351916] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Еаптека, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[105] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934167, 30.362488] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[106] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919294, 30.338456] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лекрус, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[107] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928022, 30.320238] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[108] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92688, 30.355546] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Планета здоровья, аптеки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[109] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920533, 30.35434] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[110] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935077, 30.37813] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Сити-Фарм, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[111] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934101, 30.333834] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Алоэ, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[112] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924268, 30.337737] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Озерки, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[113] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.905533, 30.317988] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Горздрав, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[114] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925075, 30.351061] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аптека на Марата 41' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[115] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938723, 30.356757] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фармализинг, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[116] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929049, 30.322671] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Эвалар, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[117] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912056, 30.348107] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная аптека, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[118] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913452, 30.341314] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мелодия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[119] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914706, 30.349666] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фармакея, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[120] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921585, 30.330391] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Диа-фарм, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[121] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921764, 30.307685] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Невис, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[122] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924732, 30.354203] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Apteka.ru, аптека' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[123] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925737, 30.343946] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Балтфарм, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_apteki[124] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933488, 30.360298] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мелодия здоровья, сеть аптек' }}, { preset: 'twirl#gymIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933947, 30.358194] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ника, спортивный клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923064, 30.371402] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'TRIFIT, сеть студий персональных тренировок' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929321, 30.376396] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'POWER GYM, спортивный клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93119, 30.340016] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Учебно-оздоровительный отдел, Санкт-Петербургский городской Дворец творчества юных' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.885738, 30.379954] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс, Санкт-Петербургский университет государственной противопожарной службы МЧС России' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932824, 30.320693] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Press Gym, студия индивидуальных тренировок' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930454, 30.385428] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Прометей, спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927507, 30.357065] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Атлет, подростково-молодежный клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936829, 30.352965] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Тренажерный зал' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928689, 30.345925] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спортивная Федерация бокса Санкт-Петербурга, клуб единоборств и кроссфита' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920811, 30.356186] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Alex Fitness, сеть фитнес-клубов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930238, 30.354356] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'A-FITNESS, сеть фитнес-клубов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931567, 30.35861] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Alex Fitness, сеть фитнес-клубов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925046, 30.322368] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'World Class, сеть фитнес-клубов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888559, 30.366544] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Атлантика, сеть спортивных комплексов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937665, 30.340157] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СКА, спортивный комплекс' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.902208, 30.337822] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'FITNESS, фитнес-клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927827, 30.327027] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Грифон, спортивный клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918488, 30.352088] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'TOPSTRETCHING, студия растяжки и фитнеса' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89252, 30.331609] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Sever crossfit, спортивный клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91677, 30.338953] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нептун, фитнес-центр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903709, 30.392274] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спорт Гараж, фитнес-клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899504, 30.401996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЕвроСпорт, центр фитнеса и красоты' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918869, 30.344563] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Физкультурно-оздоровительный центр Октябрьской ЖД' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927206, 30.322619] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Backyard, спортивный клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921158, 30.347561] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Монолит, атлетический клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912343, 30.313467] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Олимпия, фитнес-клуб' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921118, 30.33741] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Звенигородский, гостинично-спортивный комплекс' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.8908, 30.37037] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Basket Hall, сеть спортивных залов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_sport[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92449, 30.310348] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Амбассадор, центр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#tennisIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924422, 30.32784] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Верный, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913758, 30.323036] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фаворит, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935776, 30.36042] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938001, 30.343969] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913821, 30.354917] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Четверочка, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920561, 30.318116] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Надежда, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938711, 30.359564] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92771, 30.348255] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Силин В.В.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932934, 30.325826] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Студенческий, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936236, 30.36767] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932479, 30.372257] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926336, 30.351848] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Надежда, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924732, 30.354203] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'КормилецЪ, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914492, 30.322253] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Желтый А.В.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920112, 30.34122] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935539, 30.342187] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926269, 30.367279] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910265, 30.313996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926275, 30.342822] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АВ Daily, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.900867, 30.363869] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908995, 30.322566] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929624, 30.324013] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920825, 30.356332] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.905093, 30.318013] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гин, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931688, 30.32886] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Радуга, магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913117, 30.316893] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92285, 30.350392] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907668, 30.34599] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907421, 30.347036] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Милена, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91363, 30.317883] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938731, 30.366715] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926118, 30.348572] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899201, 30.370924] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926064, 30.316329] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915129, 30.302451] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93665, 30.376912] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Корзина, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922873, 30.307771] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.892377, 30.328003] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ноирь, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919933, 30.30723] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вместе, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926097, 30.374871] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923934, 30.310462] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915226, 30.321983] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Казахский дворик, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933552, 30.354256] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лето, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927275, 30.358123] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вектра, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.890212, 30.317393] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918816, 30.356487] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Европа, магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927943, 30.381817] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Тортуга, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926449, 30.35762] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аванта, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935392, 30.367921] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914082, 30.323154] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов, ИП Курбанов Г.И.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921696, 30.304077] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935817, 30.367185] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'В7, сеть мини-маркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917253, 30.34322] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Виктория, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[53] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909539, 30.324045] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Или, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[54] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92833, 30.371785] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[55] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935397, 30.379074] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[56] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921634, 30.344624] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[57] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925337, 30.315632] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мфа, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[58] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911718, 30.306022] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[59] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913452, 30.341314] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АШАН, сеть гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[60] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920752, 30.353606] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[61] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923409, 30.405163] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[62] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89757, 30.33412] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лента, сеть гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[63] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.904713, 30.325484] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[64] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915272, 30.323112] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[65] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934777, 30.36297] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[66] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930202, 30.322209] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[67] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922077, 30.347985] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[68] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916069, 30.399464] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Престиж, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[69] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938953, 30.349212] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[70] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924499, 30.351286] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[71] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.904768, 30.314557] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[72] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.892947, 30.32959] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Восточный хлеб, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[73] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.902275, 30.321903] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Белкова М.И.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[74] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92273, 30.307465] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[75] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927736, 30.376225] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[76] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924497, 30.337636] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Реалъ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[77] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917154, 30.349169] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[78] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911213, 30.317643] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[79] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9031, 30.324306] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[80] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908122, 30.307357] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Prisma, сеть супермаркетов и гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[81] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929052, 30.349719] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[82] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923579, 30.380313] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Баширов А.В.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[83] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.890189, 30.392063] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[84] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929354, 30.357175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[85] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922181, 30.352166] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Гарашов Е.К.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[86] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931859, 30.368797] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[87] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937415, 30.373338] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[88] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917212, 30.319895] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[89] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.889479, 30.320056] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[90] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921418, 30.352955] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Морозова Л.Н.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[91] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933654, 30.344294] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[92] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914087, 30.323506] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[93] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91786, 30.345416] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[94] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931212, 30.363995] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Беларусачка, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[95] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923518, 30.350095] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Верный, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[96] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914683, 30.358303] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Исток, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[97] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.889821, 30.392065] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[98] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932712, 30.382866] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Тюльпан, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[99] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929219, 30.359345] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аванта, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[100] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924937, 30.349423] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нева, магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[101] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.88858, 30.389436] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[102] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928587, 30.367527] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[103] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920832, 30.352243] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[104] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.889179, 30.391677] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин халяльной продукции' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[105] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899504, 30.401996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АШАН Сити, сеть гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[106] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938934, 30.349893] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[107] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911337, 30.347621] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[108] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928001, 30.311308] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[109] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.891663, 30.344826] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[110] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931397, 30.355059] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АВ Daily, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[111] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915179, 30.403123] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[112] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.900509, 30.367281] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АлкоМир, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[113] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903807, 30.300479] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[114] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915964, 30.325443] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[115] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918695, 30.396231] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удачная покупка, магазин продовольственных товаров' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[116] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914924, 30.318387] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[117] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913237, 30.396223] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[118] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909675, 30.347351] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'МБМ, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[119] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911499, 30.353645] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[120] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.893082, 30.318483] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Сезон, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[121] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92888, 30.315155] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[122] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925858, 30.375509] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[123] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930864, 30.364706] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[124] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922118, 30.308194] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[125] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934005, 30.348209] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[126] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911292, 30.325583] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Котов Ф.Б.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[127] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935503, 30.379189] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Батлер, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[128] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937174, 30.355279] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вместе, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[129] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923179, 30.371687] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Перекресток, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[130] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918526, 30.345998] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[131] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926892, 30.313546] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гастроном' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[132] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916257, 30.30921] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[133] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927106, 30.380126] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'В7, сеть мини-маркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[134] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928406, 30.325871] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Клён, магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[135] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.90903, 30.346914] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[136] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924638, 30.344833] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[137] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936386, 30.33515] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Роскар Трейд, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[138] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9175, 30.30717] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[139] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938602, 30.360145] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[140] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918374, 30.357257] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[141] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923744, 30.335753] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[142] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.890999, 30.318281] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Ахмедов А.Л.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[143] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935319, 30.378991] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спартак, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[144] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932726, 30.383476] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Гусейнов Э.Г.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[145] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918619, 30.328186] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'МинутаМаркет, сеть мини-маркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[146] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923679, 30.369835] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[147] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923651, 30.348329] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[148] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912537, 30.313799] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[149] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903459, 30.319026] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[150] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937564, 30.374989] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[151] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925404, 30.314787] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[152] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9201, 30.37141] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[153] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927131, 30.353332] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[154] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915075, 30.348005] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Prisma, сеть супермаркетов и гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[155] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936154, 30.350367] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[156] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911771, 30.310847] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[157] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931514, 30.32019] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[158] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917127, 30.327797] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Рузовская, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[159] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928911, 30.349985] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин товаров из Финляндии' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[160] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931775, 30.36691] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[161] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927126, 30.355957] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[162] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.906904, 30.318743] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Реалъ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[163] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913762, 30.354368] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[164] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903795, 30.312365] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[165] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933143, 30.325858] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[166] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936104, 30.353448] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Трио, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[167] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925639, 30.378907] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гурман, маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[168] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916446, 30.320206] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Омега+, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[169] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929488, 30.365711] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Тортуга, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[170] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912151, 30.347519] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[171] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934098, 30.370933] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[172] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92784, 30.370616] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'НЛО, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[173] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93613, 30.372517] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[174] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926926, 30.347736] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[175] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913789, 30.348962] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[176] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.895845, 30.379659] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[177] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93049, 30.341264] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лайт, магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[178] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928387, 30.352423] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Виктория, магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[179] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937728, 30.354855] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ECOFAMILY, магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[180] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92683, 30.357261] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Белорусский дворик, сеть продуктовых магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[181] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.887698, 30.362618] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[182] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913769, 30.375495] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Маркет, ИП Корнилович Ю.Ю.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[183] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928205, 30.322259] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вместе, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[184] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92417, 30.353466] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'У дома, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[185] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908474, 30.351535] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[186] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888776, 30.327319] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[187] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928443, 30.336746] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[188] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937437, 30.371403] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[189] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929171, 30.338675] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Контарева Л.М.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[190] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921169, 30.338819] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[191] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923936, 30.324964] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[192] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911693, 30.317993] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[193] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903144, 30.337153] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Олива, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[194] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927663, 30.311698] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[195] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928404, 30.330996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Алискеров В.Г.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[196] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926549, 30.32106] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Перекресток, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[197] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930074, 30.357497] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магия, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[198] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.891782, 30.318175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый киоск' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[199] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929815, 30.361781] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Daily Food, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[200] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928785, 30.380205] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Норд, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[201] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936215, 30.361986] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Антон, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[202] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935147, 30.37793] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[203] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934321, 30.362134] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[204] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934275, 30.360328] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[205] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92498, 30.319092] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЭкоПрод, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[206] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938516, 30.364977] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[207] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92798, 30.316366] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[208] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907379, 30.302092] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лента, сеть гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[209] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911811, 30.314225] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Звезда, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[210] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.893297, 30.325447] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[211] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925515, 30.339688] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[212] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93016, 30.347369] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[213] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913314, 30.327346] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нева, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[214] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922245, 30.349364] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[215] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.905351, 30.316119] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Реалъ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[216] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908296, 30.319859] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Карт, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[217] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93133, 30.348052] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[218] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925633, 30.358015] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[219] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.890302, 30.318797] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[220] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918354, 30.341777] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[221] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933685, 30.362158] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[222] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929463, 30.361238] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Великолукский мясокомбинат, сеть фирменных магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[223] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92815, 30.346488] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Prisma, сеть супермаркетов и гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[224] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93052, 30.366502] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[225] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930694, 30.327361] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[226] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.889063, 30.318877] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Азбука вкуса, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[227] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92809, 30.319351] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[228] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929488, 30.316823] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красный дракон, магазин продуктов азиатской кухни' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[229] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920892, 30.343886] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Скорпион, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[230] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.8905, 30.329326] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пам Лимитед, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[231] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928215, 30.32146] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[232] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93698, 30.336376] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[233] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911816, 30.30697] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фруктовый рай, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[234] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935818, 30.356714] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[235] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912366, 30.349155] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[236] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928721, 30.345917] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Л & Лэнд, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[237] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921752, 30.35737] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[238] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926416, 30.347004] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[239] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928829, 30.325029] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[240] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919584, 30.32854] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Севербург, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[241] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.886492, 30.358938] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[242] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930818, 30.318776] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[243] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919905, 30.358788] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Тамм П.С.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[244] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911272, 30.3528] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СлавЛен, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[245] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89201, 30.324313] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[246] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916533, 30.321753] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народный, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[247] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928638, 30.377507] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[248] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930261, 30.36372] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мона, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[249] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91377, 30.326821] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[250] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888731, 30.320335] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[251] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928338, 30.364809] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[252] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936979, 30.352579] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[253] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934639, 30.374253] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'У дома, магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[254] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93318, 30.345959] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АВ Daily, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[255] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920873, 30.31066] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[256] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926638, 30.332091] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[257] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92709, 30.330559] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[258] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91389, 30.31843] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[259] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929743, 30.376689] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'KarZinka, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[260] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924749, 30.338951] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'prosto24' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[261] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914024, 30.315596] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[262] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928769, 30.321417] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[263] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930782, 30.354222] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Сигма, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[264] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926245, 30.374474] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[265] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927994, 30.376592] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[266] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909259, 30.309987] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[267] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929519, 30.31717] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[268] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913796, 30.314123] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Двери Тамерлана, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[269] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912395, 30.347191] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Белорусский Дворик, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[270] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.905125, 30.31484] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АВ Daily, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[271] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925407, 30.383803] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[272] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909798, 30.346015] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[273] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934231, 30.337712] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин купцов Елисеевых' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[274] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929762, 30.319929] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СЗПК Георг I, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[275] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9155, 30.313817] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[276] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913195, 30.346058] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СлавЛен, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[277] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922973, 30.348404] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красный дракон, магазин продуктов азиатской кухни' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[278] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908337, 30.320508] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[279] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932793, 30.359812] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Оскар, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[280] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918164, 30.351958] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продукты, сеть мини-маркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[281] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918853, 30.30336] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[282] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915489, 30.342096] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Biomatica, магазин органических продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[283] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928714, 30.36773] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[284] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937772, 30.341698] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[285] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.906299, 30.312711] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[286] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928976, 30.346661] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Олива, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[287] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923562, 30.329707] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[288] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926647, 30.32938] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Любимый, гастроном' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[289] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916008, 30.314362] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Белорусский дворик, сеть продуктовых магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[290] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92245, 30.307499] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ниппон, сеть японских супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[291] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899793, 30.361178] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[292] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.891876, 30.318291] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[293] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903906, 30.320367] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет, ИП Овчинникова Н.В.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[294] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933801, 30.329043] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Перекресток, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[295] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929371, 30.347917] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[296] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.896774, 30.357314] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лиман, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[297] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920658, 30.370345] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Любава, сеть продуктовых магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[298] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936821, 30.340736] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[299] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92865, 30.350207] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[300] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924582, 30.323944] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[301] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92824, 30.353632] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[302] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910381, 30.323362] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ЛИДЕР, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[303] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913963, 30.355873] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Корона, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[304] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929692, 30.373163] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[305] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927259, 30.34616] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Free Dom, магазин товаров без упаковки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[306] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918714, 30.35231] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[307] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928967, 30.326858] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Regar-City' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[308] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929866, 30.368354] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[309] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922907, 30.34175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Реалъ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[310] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935846, 30.372673] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[311] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923481, 30.347287] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[312] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930962, 30.363446] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[313] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923015, 30.369351] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ГРАДУСЫ всего мира, сеть алкомаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[314] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933547, 30.324605] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гранд Торг, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[315] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928602, 30.349271] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фермерское мясо, магазин мяса и овощей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[316] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934911, 30.326578] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[317] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928269, 30.376982] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Беркут, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[318] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93522, 30.337995] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Оскар, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[319] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909811, 30.316452] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[320] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923855, 30.370369] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[321] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919782, 30.305358] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет, ИП Гулуев Г.А.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[322] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935602, 30.37537] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Food and Wine, гастрономическая лавка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[323] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933769, 30.348194] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[324] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931025, 30.355425] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вместе, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[325] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903914, 30.318072] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аста ла виста, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[326] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921544, 30.355278] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[327] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936493, 30.372366] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[328] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914782, 30.350683] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[329] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925187, 30.359386] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[330] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926198, 30.319648] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[331] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908149, 30.344491] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[332] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936468, 30.354775] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[333] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918798, 30.346205] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[334] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920889, 30.352941] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[335] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929203, 30.362626] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Великолукский мясокомбинат, сеть фирменных магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[336] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914745, 30.350901] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'РММ, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[337] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914013, 30.355041] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ялта, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[338] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913746, 30.35614] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Питер, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[339] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.88902, 30.328817] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[340] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929882, 30.364149] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[341] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92328, 30.320585] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'FOODmarket, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[342] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9042, 30.323249] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удобный, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[343] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923694, 30.355851] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[344] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888561, 30.324948] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Интер 1, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[345] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915814, 30.304739] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[346] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922937, 30.330064] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Грандмаркет, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[347] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938526, 30.367218] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[348] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933293, 30.376708] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Семишагофф, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[349] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934063, 30.36515] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[350] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916374, 30.352602] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин монастырской и фермерской продукции' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[351] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933124, 30.367817] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[352] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909426, 30.306936] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[353] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929577, 30.369173] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'АВ Daily, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[354] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.897821, 30.36866] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов и бытовой химии' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[355] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926491, 30.377916] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[356] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929069, 30.362054] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Daily Food, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[357] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929051, 30.374039] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Смирнова Н.А.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[358] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919294, 30.338456] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Перекресток, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[359] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912484, 30.348289] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[360] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912852, 30.349463] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[361] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933756, 30.369352] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[362] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935244, 30.378911] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Багиров Р.А.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[363] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926424, 30.358735] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[364] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922229, 30.307747] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[365] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925943, 30.315295] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[366] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.88714, 30.359399] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[367] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.8859, 30.329483] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Stop Express, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[368] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928174, 30.352986] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[369] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.890162, 30.349929] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[370] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.896583, 30.357677] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продукты, сеть мини-маркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[371] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91259, 30.317144] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[372] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.902984, 30.394882] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Слава, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[373] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920123, 30.30765] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВАБ, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[374] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924237, 30.319319] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Халяль, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[375] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903053, 30.323942] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удобный, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[376] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923876, 30.329237] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[377] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932535, 30.35088] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Корзина, супермаркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[378] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927029, 30.34476] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вместе, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[379] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911547, 30.307695] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[380] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915165, 30.305328] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[381] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89646, 30.374851] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[382] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907821, 30.312241] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Mini, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[383] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914821, 30.402742] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магазин продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[384] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903113, 30.315324] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Реалъ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[385] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92982, 30.369317] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[386] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934404, 30.360436] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Вместе, супермаркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[387] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925879, 30.327134] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[388] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915219, 30.324373] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[389] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.903612, 30.39026] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[390] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911749, 30.407523] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Слава, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[391] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921443, 30.353987] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Удачный, универсам' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[392] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9273, 30.339666] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Элит, супермаркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[393] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923373, 30.335466] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'SPAR, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[394] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923022, 30.333944] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[395] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911842, 30.316439] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин, ИП Загнойко М.В.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[396] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93405, 30.38069] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[397] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932387, 30.344704] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лето, супермаркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[398] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925228, 30.322031] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[399] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911416, 30.340576] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Павильон №1, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[400] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911778, 30.321449] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[401] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.896201, 30.378079] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[402] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911807, 30.309477] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[403] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929146, 30.31774] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спасский, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[404] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923656, 30.342366] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[405] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929947, 30.324818] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Альфа Василеостровский, сеть продовольственных магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[406] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930371, 30.365646] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[407] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925642, 30.340545] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Корки маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[408] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888928, 30.324178] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лазурный берег, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[409] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935764, 30.379466] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[410] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924915, 30.359928] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[411] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926583, 30.361559] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Перекресток, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[412] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.882521, 30.37129] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Перекресток, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[413] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915647, 30.308103] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[414] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.906448, 30.404975] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[415] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926199, 30.312525] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[416] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928046, 30.315664] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[417] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935559, 30.354681] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Меркурий, мини-маркет' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[418] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931382, 30.37062] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[419] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907685, 30.40416] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[420] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934278, 30.37043] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[421] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925172, 30.344501] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фасоль, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[422] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917023, 30.401098] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'СНОРР, продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[423] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924437, 30.385968] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Prisma, сеть супермаркетов и гипермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[424] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912135, 30.321539] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Народная семьЯ, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[425] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907177, 30.404514] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[426] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935615, 30.373938] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Красное & Белое, сеть магазинов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[427] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927438, 30.345801] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ВкусВилл, сеть супермаркетов натуральных продуктов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[428] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935969, 30.372285] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Магнит, сеть универсамов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[429] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929377, 30.336559] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[430] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9199, 30.362585] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Старый Свет, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[431] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930803, 30.365763] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ДИКСИ, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[432] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909341, 30.339186] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин, ИП Искандарян Д.Г.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[433] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935851, 30.376658] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Цитрон, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[434] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.886552, 30.360219] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пятёрочка, сеть супермаркетов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[435] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913265, 30.313752] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фермерское хозяйство, продовольственный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_magaz[436] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911472, 30.302861] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Продуктовый магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#shopIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921048, 30.341151] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №53, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927529, 30.379294] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №58 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938001, 30.361744] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №59, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920517, 30.352358] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №107, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934896, 30.380864] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №87, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918117, 30.324716] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №114, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.900818, 30.321681] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лицей №373 с дошкольным отделением, Московский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911161, 30.341425] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №17, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.885217, 30.357914] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №70 комбинированного вида, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92552, 30.384638] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №103, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937205, 30.358703] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №45 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924749, 30.383312] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №29 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932843, 30.354401] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №60, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929422, 30.339436] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №250, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910582, 30.309933] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №118 компенсирующего вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924288, 30.330013] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №135, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888041, 30.359142] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №70 комбинированного вида, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91421, 30.302867] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №115, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.898461, 30.359613] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №8, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930906, 30.372968] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №89, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924238, 30.353851] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №23, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937856, 30.371291] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №17, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935293, 30.37222] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №116' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921727, 30.339763] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №20, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928268, 30.356567] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №44 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933487, 30.373392] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №125 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92611, 30.339267] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №78, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911653, 30.406879] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №17, Невский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93026, 30.341737] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №92 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933405, 30.380467] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №58 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913997, 30.318433] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №151 комбинированного вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935076, 30.339432] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №83 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938058, 30.344226] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №8 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936496, 30.376156] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №125 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917407, 30.306354] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад общеразвивающего вида №104 с приоритетным осуществлением деятельности по физическому развитию детей, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928787, 30.340632] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №250, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.905191, 30.355265] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №8, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928324, 30.343026] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №112, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918512, 30.347733] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №309 с дошкольным отделением, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921465, 30.303743] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №11, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928952, 30.354728] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №25, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93322, 30.379244] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №49, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92833, 30.375901] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Радуга, детский сад комбинированного вида' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91943, 30.340289] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №100 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.90957, 30.310758] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №145, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927843, 30.340531] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №97 компенсирующего вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938229, 30.357756] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №27, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899171, 30.310611] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №39, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914766, 30.308877] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №115, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921154, 30.311545] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №27 комбинированного вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.915892, 30.313361] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №112, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931143, 30.345656] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №91 компенсирующего вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917457, 30.320764] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №114, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[53] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.909153, 30.349943] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №17, Фрунзенский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[54] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913023, 30.326007] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №101, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[55] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930851, 30.356168] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №60, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[56] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924212, 30.311123] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №32 общеразвивающего вида с приоритетным осуществлением деятельности по художественно-эстетическому развитию детей, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[57] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929938, 30.371704] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №89, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[58] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923616, 30.353466] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №23, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[59] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924487, 30.342257] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №19 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[60] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937413, 30.369272] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №17, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[61] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927471, 30.339106] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №78, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[62] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926953, 30.314693] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №16 комбинированного вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[63] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913777, 30.310252] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №151 комбинированного вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[64] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924073, 30.335062] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №86, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[65] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934547, 30.337006] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №83 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[66] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929997, 30.349827] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №112, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[67] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921125, 30.344659] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №100 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[68] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928033, 30.323824] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гармония, детский сад №46' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[69] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920689, 30.310806] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №27 комбинированного вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[70] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937903, 30.362249] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №59, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[71] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914011, 30.314511] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №112, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[72] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937983, 30.357192] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'РОСТОК, начальная школа-детский сад №620' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[73] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925637, 30.335065] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №19 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[74] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936345, 30.335539] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №83 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[75] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.911695, 30.324959] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №159, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[76] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918719, 30.359092] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №145 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[77] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924094, 30.325902] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №135, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[78] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916358, 30.315933] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №131, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[79] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92381, 30.354212] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №100 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[80] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91001, 30.321805] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №154, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[81] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.901149, 30.310366] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №109, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[82] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929047, 30.338972] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №206, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[83] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934459, 30.327363] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №32 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[84] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.902824, 30.317142] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №145, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[85] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92381, 30.308414] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Средняя общеобразовательная школа №241, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[86] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913544, 30.304043] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №130, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[87] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917985, 30.306986] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад присмотра и оздоровления №123, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[88] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914707, 30.31172] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №127, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[89] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926147, 30.334491] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №19 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[90] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925665, 30.310534] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №16 комбинированного вида, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[91] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924015, 30.349352] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №20, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[92] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927758, 30.323335] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гармония, детский сад №46' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[93] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932354, 30.370719] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №125 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[94] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907381, 30.313084] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №145, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[95] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936752, 30.333525] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Российская гимназия с дошкольным отделением, Государственный Русский музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[96] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916711, 30.354658] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №145 комбинированного вида, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[97] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914635, 30.302407] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №133, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[98] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920723, 30.340018] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №53, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[99] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910513, 30.321444] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Детский сад №154, Адмиралтейский район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_det_sad[100] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937517, 30.355709] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гимназия №171, Центральный район' }}, { preset: 'twirl#mushroomIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[0] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934714, 30.343093] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фаберже, музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[1] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936487, 30.332569] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Русская Икона, выставочный зал' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[2] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932349, 30.326968] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Галерея искусств' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[3] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93606, 30.345336] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Шереметевский дворец-музей музыки' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[4] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933014, 30.340124] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Санкт-Петербургский городской Дворец творчества юных' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[5] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930238, 30.354356] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Point art gallery, магазин картин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[6] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927506, 30.353418] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Российский государственный музей Арктики и Антарктики' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[7] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89865, 30.320105] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Ватопедской иконы Божией Матери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[8] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932689, 30.349641] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гильдия мастеров, салон-галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[9] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929478, 30.358548] }, properties: { balloonContent: '2,04, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[10] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936743, 30.341339] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Rakov Gallery, картинная галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[11] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935927, 30.337281] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей гигиены, Городской центр медицинской профилактики г. Санкт-Петербурга' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[12] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924642, 30.313173] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центральный музей железнодорожного транспорта РФ' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[13] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930238, 30.354356] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Tsoghik Gallery' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[14] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919148, 30.310851] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Всероссийский музей А.С. Пушкина' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[15] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92136, 30.324784] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Военно-медицинский музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[16] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917582, 30.383548] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Святого Апостола и Евангелиста Иоанна Богослова' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[17] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93269, 30.327671] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Артростра, художественная галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[18] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933031, 30.347147] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей магии' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[19] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929008, 30.344068] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Veresk, ночная арт-галерея искусств' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[20] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.899504, 30.401996] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Pinkrabbit, музей любви и эротики' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[21] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936235, 30.347247] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей Анны Ахматовой в Фонтанном Доме' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[22] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931421, 30.363403] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Белый павлин, творческая мастерская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[23] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926588, 30.386026] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Антураж-Арт, художественный салон-мастерская' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[24] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93269, 30.327671] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Галерея Алексея Рычкова' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[25] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934332, 30.33241] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Ека-Арт, сеть художественных салонов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[26] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923058, 30.38469] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Государственный музей городской скульптуры' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[27] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916712, 30.32373] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Разночинный Петербург, мемориальный музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[28] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932144, 30.351084] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Form & Bronze, галерея бронзовых скульптур' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[29] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927453, 30.350603] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Литературно-мемориальный музей Ф.М. Достоевского' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[30] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928881, 30.323004] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей неправды' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[31] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923266, 30.327243] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Разночинный Петербург, мемориальный музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[32] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926097, 30.349969] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Багетная мастерская, ИП Семотюк А.В.' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[33] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927092, 30.378123] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Национальный центр, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[34] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93269, 30.327671] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Анфилада, арт-галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[35] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916523, 30.305175] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Собор Святой Живоначальной Троицы лейб-гвардии Измайловского Полка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[36] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93546, 30.328894] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Базилика святой Екатерины Александрийской' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[37] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928305, 30.347818] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Собор Владимирской иконы Божией Матери на Владимирской площади' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[38] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929372, 30.358803] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пушкинская-10, арт-центр художественных выставок и галерей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[39] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923054, 30.337115] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'POLEKON, музей лего' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[40] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926089, 30.368814] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Феодоровской Иконы Божией Матери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[41] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.908227, 30.309252] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Воскресения Христова' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[42] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89096, 30.31719] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ИЛЛЮЗИУМ, интерактивный музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[43] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935376, 30.332234] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Армянская Апостольская Церковь Святой Екатерины' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[44] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938634, 30.345368] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Святых Праведных Симеона Богоприимца и Анны Пророчицы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[45] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934332, 30.33241] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Санкт-Петербургский Музей Восковых Фигур' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[46] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916305, 30.312247] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Собор Успения Пресвятой Девы Марии' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[47] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91653, 30.352174] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Святых Кирилла и Мефодия' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[48] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934414, 30.339192] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аврора, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[49] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923307, 30.386614] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Надвратная церковь во имя иконы Божией матери Всех скорбящих Радость' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[50] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936192, 30.341632] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Родина, киноцентр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[51] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935515, 30.340618] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Русский Левша, музей микроминиатюры' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[52] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916406, 30.353038] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Крестовоздвиженский казачий собор' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[53] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931832, 30.353614] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Художественный, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[54] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926369, 30.321096] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пик, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[55] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937321, 30.356811] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Римско-Католическая церковь Матери Божией Лурдской' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[56] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931168, 30.336552] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Санкт-Петербургский государственный музей театрального и музыкального искусства' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[57] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936192, 30.341632] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Дом кино, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[58] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919294, 30.338456] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей мозга, интерактивная выставка' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[59] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926756, 30.361735] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Формула Кино Галерея, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[60] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914655, 30.349363] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'КАРО, сеть кинотеатров' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[61] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93202, 30.357546] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Нева, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[62] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921544, 30.390615] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Святителя Николая Чудотворца' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[63] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.882391, 30.370367] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Люксор, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[64] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934417, 30.336076] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Фонд исторической фотографии им. Карла Буллы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[65] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924437, 30.385968] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Москва, кинолофт' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[66] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9248, 30.340763] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мемориальный музей-квартира Н.А. Римского-Корсакова' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[67] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.912563, 30.407436] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм иконы Божией Матери всех скорбящих Радость' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[68] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.904319, 30.359392] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Литераторские мостки, музей-некрополь' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[69] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927222, 30.320899] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Спас на Сенной, храм' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[70] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926539, 30.354985] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей-квартира Л.Н. Гумилева' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[71] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936018, 30.333593] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Cinema Grand Palace, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[72] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930196, 30.322843] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей мостов, филиал Центрального музея железнодорожного транспорта РФ' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[73] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923081, 30.388243] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лазаревская церковь' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[74] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.922186, 30.388047] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Сошествия Святого Духа' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[75] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937194, 30.354658] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей советской эпохи' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[76] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938019, 30.359047] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Out Cinema, кинотеатр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[77] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.916264, 30.354196] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь во имя Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[78] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933662, 30.331025] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Серафима Вырицкого' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[79] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93239, 30.352034] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей настольных игр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[80] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.898663, 30.321675] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Казанской Иконы Божьей Матери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[81] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92146, 30.346628] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Марата 64, культурно-просветительский центр' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[82] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932786, 30.378764] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Шестоковской Иконы Божией Матери грузинского прихода' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[83] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.931206, 30.350652] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Мемориальный музей актеров Самойловых' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[84] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929478, 30.358548] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей нонконформистского искусства' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[85] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.938707, 30.361822] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Святого Апостола и Евангелиста Иоанна Богослова Леушинское подворье' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[86] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936245, 30.381435] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей-квартира Аллилуевых' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[87] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.92232, 30.387642] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Благовещенская Александро-Невская церковь' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[88] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.930223, 30.34797] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей, Санкт-Петербургский государственный академический Театр им. Ленсовета' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[89] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.914602, 30.343909] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы на Боровой' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[90] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932188, 30.336347] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей русской драмы Александринского театра' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[91] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.904319, 30.359392] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Воскресения Словущего' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[92] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.913051, 30.330615] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей дети и дошкольные работники осажденного Ленинграда, Санкт-Петербургский педагогический колледж №8' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[93] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.907548, 30.30735] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'КАРО, сеть кинотеатров' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[94] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.923482, 30.327345] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Разночинный Петербург, мемориальный музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[95] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.918133, 30.362097] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Святителя Петра Митрополита Московского' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[96] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933007, 30.344208] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей становления демократии в современной России им. Анатолия Собчака' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[97] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927204, 30.344519] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм во имя Коневской иконы Божьей Матери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[98] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924741, 30.354972] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Древлеправославная Поморская церковь' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[99] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933782, 30.366983] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей военного костюма' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[100] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920273, 30.390352] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Исидоровская церковь' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[101] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.900704, 30.354491] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Святого Праведного Иова Многострадального' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[102] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.919967, 30.389596] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь во имя святого благоверного князя Феодора Новгородского' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[103] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933916, 30.348217] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Республика Котов, музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[104] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.924189, 30.316672] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Александра Невского' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[105] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920367, 30.359661] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Святой Троицы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[106] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933754, 30.32949] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей янтаря Александра Крылова' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[107] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932056, 30.383109] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Аты-Баты, интерактивный военно-исторический музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[108] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.925965, 30.369362] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм-часовня святых новомучеников и исповедников Российских' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[109] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934403, 30.329306] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей сберегательного дела' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[110] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933662, 30.331025] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей истории купечества Санкт-Петербурга и России' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[111] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933437, 30.372784] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы, г. Санкт-Петербург' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[112] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935444, 30.335398] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центр Михаила Шемякина' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[113] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.887343, 30.330373] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Неупиваемая Чаша, церковь иконы Божьей Матери' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[114] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.93478, 30.333156] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Раритет, арт-бутик' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[115] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921949, 30.356185] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Лофт Проект Этажи, выставочный зал' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[116] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.9281, 30.312289] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Бертгольд Центр, креативное пространство' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[117] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917582, 30.383548] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковно-археологический музей, СПбПДА' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[118] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.910603, 30.3288] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Люмьер-Холл, креативное пространство' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[119] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937592, 30.342112] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Свиное рыло, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[120] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888117, 30.364256] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей отечественной киноаппаратуры, СПбГУКиТ' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[121] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.89865, 30.320105] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Собор Воскресения Христова' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[122] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935661, 30.356826] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Трикстер, музей смеха' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[123] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.933939, 30.373529] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм во имя Святителя Димитрия Митрополита Ростовского' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[124] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936009, 30.359326] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Anna Nova, галерея современного искусства' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[125] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934044, 30.348211] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'БОРЕЙ, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[126] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.920755, 30.311498] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Marina Gisich Gallery, художественная галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[127] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927281, 30.370483] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Экспозиция культурного центра, Главное управление МВД России по г. Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[128] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932402, 30.351939] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Петербургская фотолетопись, центр фотожурналистики' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[129] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934168, 30.362413] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей шляпного мастера' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[130] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.928264, 30.312009] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ФотоДепартамент, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[131] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.926566, 30.342897] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Антонов, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[132] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.929441, 30.372287] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'L.E.STORE, винтажный магазин' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[133] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.895407, 30.31975] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Церковь Введения во храм Пресвятой Богородицы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[134] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.927899, 30.353412] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм во имя Тихвинской иконы Пресвятой Богородицы' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[135] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.934511, 30.339439] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Санкт-Петербургский Творческий Союз художников' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[136] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932444, 30.321413] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'ТИТИКАКА, музей мировых рекордов и фактов' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[137] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932258, 30.321585] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Художественная галерея Алексея Сергиенко' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[138] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.936012, 30.34683] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей Анны Ахматовой в Фонтанном Доме' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[139] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.932838, 30.348452] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'N-Prospect, галерея' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[140] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.91751, 30.319171] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Музей истории, СПбГТИ' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[141] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917534, 30.341874] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Пробуждение, арт-студия' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[142] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.937324, 30.356664] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Приходской музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[143] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.917582, 30.383548] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы при Духовной академии и семинарии' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[144] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.935817, 30.347409] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Центр Книги и Графики, выставочный зал' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[145] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.888064, 30.33062] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'Гранд Макет Россия, интерактивный музей' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) geoObjects_polik[146] = new ymaps.GeoObject({ geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [59.921949, 30.356185] }, properties: { balloonContent: 'AK Gallery, галерея кинопостеров' }}, { preset: 'twirl#hospitalIcon' }) clusterer_nov.add(geoObjects_nov); clusterer_metr.add(geoObjects_metr); clusterer_apteki.add(geoObjects_apteki); clusterer_sport.add(geoObjects_sport); clusterer_shkol.add(geoObjects_shkol); clusterer_det_sad.add(geoObjects_det_sad); clusterer_polik.add(geoObjects_polik); clusterer_polik_det.add(geoObjects_polik_det); clusterer_parkov.add(geoObjects_parkov); clusterer_magaz.add(geoObjects_magaz); myPlacemark1 = new ymaps.Placemark([59.910238 ,30.356619], { balloonContent: 'ЖК Дом у Каретного' }, { iconImageHref: '/img/shablon/jk.png', iconImageSize: [50, 50], }); myMap.geoObjects.add(myPlacemark1); $('#pol_det').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(pol_det==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_polik_det); pol_det=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_polik_det); pol_det=1;}}); $('#pol').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(pol==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_polik); pol=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_polik); pol=1;}}); $('#detsad').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(detsad==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_det_sad); detsad=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_det_sad); detsad=1;}}); $('#shkol').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(shkol==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_shkol); shkol=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_shkol); shkol=1;}}); $('#aptek').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(aptek==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_apteki); aptek=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_apteki); aptek=1;}}); $('#magaz').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(magaz==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_magaz); magaz=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_magaz); magaz=1; }}); $('#parkov').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(parkov==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_parkov); parkov=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_parkov); parkov=1;}}); $('#sport').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(sport==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_sport); sport=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_sport); sport=1;}}); $('#metr').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(metr==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_metr); metr=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_metr); metr=1;}}); $('#nov').on('click',function(){ $(this).toggleClass('div_map div_map2'); if(nov==1){myMap.geoObjects.remove(clusterer_nov); nov=0;} else {myMap.geoObjects.add(clusterer_nov); nov=1;}}); });